
Just another jeffselan opinion

Why I became a Libertarian.

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I never could figure out why I didn’t fit into the two major political parties. I was too “liberal” to be a good Republican and too “conservative” to be a good Democrat.

That’s not to say that I was a moderate. Because, I feel very strongly for my views, they just happen to have strong voices in both major US parties.

So I started listening to this Ron Paul guy. I mean really listening and studying. And this guy was speaking my language! Liberty through small government and reliance on personal responsibility! Or as they say, ” Minimum Government, Maximum Freedom .”

I have to tell you, I thought there was not a place for me. As it turns out, I have found a new political home.

If you really want the government out of your business and other countries affairs, why not check it out?

Libertarian Platform

Many thanks and be blessed!

Written by Selaniest

January 2, 2012 at 6:13 pm

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