
Just another jeffselan opinion

Posts Tagged ‘politics

Why I became a Libertarian.

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I never could figure out why I didn’t fit into the two major political parties. I was too “liberal” to be a good Republican and too “conservative” to be a good Democrat.

That’s not to say that I was a moderate. Because, I feel very strongly for my views, they just happen to have strong voices in both major US parties.

So I started listening to this Ron Paul guy. I mean really listening and studying. And this guy was speaking my language! Liberty through small government and reliance on personal responsibility! Or as they say, ” Minimum Government, Maximum Freedom .”

I have to tell you, I thought there was not a place for me. As it turns out, I have found a new political home.

If you really want the government out of your business and other countries affairs, why not check it out?

Libertarian Platform

Many thanks and be blessed!

Written by Selaniest

January 2, 2012 at 6:13 pm

Man, don’t be feeding me that propaganda!

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For the people reading this blog for the first time, I have been talking and reading on Twitter for about eight months. And being successful in Twitter communication has very real challenges.

One of the first things I noticed very quickly was that people want to be heard. Being a news and politic junkie of sorts, I have witnessed political tweets  really “pack a punch”  in order to draw in your attention. And not being a college graduate, I had to surf the net the meaning of

Propaganda . 

Now to me, propaganda means things you say to make you look good and the other person, not so much. Propaganda is normally designed to have people agree or disagree with a certain point, cause , or person with not as much thought as you would normally give the subject matter.

Propaganda is not always a bad thing, But is very valuable to have tools to  spot propaganda in order to stop, think, and understand what this person or media  is wanting you to buy into. In other words, it’s a ” do your homework” sign!

So here we go. Seven different types of propaganda.

  • Glittering Generalizations – Vague words with little meaning used in a context of sounding positive. It looks good and  sounds good but has little true meaning in context. Democracy is a good example because it means different things to different people but sounds good to all.
  • Transfer – An emotional and usually visible projecting of images or qualities used either to add credit or discredit. In my state, a gubernatorial candidate giving a speech in front of a coal tipple would be a good example.
  • Name Calling– A tactic used for the purpose of having persons form opinions before looking at facts. An emotional trigger used to sway a person without having them think. 
  • Card Stacking- Giving some facts and leaving out others in order to sway an opinion based only on the facts you give. In my opinion, one of the most commonly used types of propaganda and also more difficult to spot.  Pointing blame at a Mayor for not getting new sidewalks put in without mentioning that city council refused to approve the funding is a telltale sign of “Card Stacking.”
  • Testimonial- Using a famous, respectable, or comfortable type person to influence a persons opinion. Queen Latifah pushing make up or Oprah endorsing a political candidate. Both are great uses of a “testimonial”
  • Plain Folks- The act presenting  someone or an idea being “just like you” or ” just like an regular/ average person” would think in order to build trust or buy in to an idea.
  • Band Wagon- Promoting an idea as correct or the right thing to do or think because others are doing it and you don’t want to miss out.  Jumping on the “Herman Cain train” is jumping on the band wagon. 

So why point this out? Mainly a learning lesson for myself. But also a way for you to identify,  step back , and think before reacting.

Because propaganda is not a bad thing. Not knowing that it is could be!

General information provided by –

Assistance in definition provided by Wikipedia unless hyper linked.

Written by Selaniest

October 13, 2011 at 11:44 pm

Are your politics your witness?

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Image via Wikipedia

I think we all like to feel somehow as righteous. I think we, as humans, like to feel we win.  Christians, we  push people away with politics.

My opinion of the real reason is that there is no right answer. None.

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism it’s just the opposite.- John Kenneth Galbraith

The politics of man are so polluted with envy, despair, pride, anger, and negative emotion. Our smug feeling of

  •  I’m right, you are wrong.
  • You must not be a Christian if you are a ___________ .
  • You must not understand scripture if you think ___________.
  • You must be stupid or evil if you think _____________ .

These feelings and statements do NOT bring persons to Christ.

They are not Christ like.  Your politics are not Christ’s teachings.

Because, they are not true. There is always grey in your black and white. They are of man. Not of God. And why do you think I say this?

Because they cause strife and separation within the children of God.

The souls we miss and the lives not touched by Christ through our pride. We will answer. I will answer.

Can we answer for less? Do the lost deserve more? Do we?


Written by Selaniest

July 6, 2011 at 7:36 pm