
Just another jeffselan opinion

Posts Tagged ‘obama

Are your politics your witness?

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I think we all like to feel somehow as righteous. I think we, as humans, like to feel we win.  Christians, we  push people away with politics.

My opinion of the real reason is that there is no right answer. None.

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism it’s just the opposite.- John Kenneth Galbraith

The politics of man are so polluted with envy, despair, pride, anger, and negative emotion. Our smug feeling of

  •  I’m right, you are wrong.
  • You must not be a Christian if you are a ___________ .
  • You must not understand scripture if you think ___________.
  • You must be stupid or evil if you think _____________ .

These feelings and statements do NOT bring persons to Christ.

They are not Christ like.  Your politics are not Christ’s teachings.

Because, they are not true. There is always grey in your black and white. They are of man. Not of God. And why do you think I say this?

Because they cause strife and separation within the children of God.

The souls we miss and the lives not touched by Christ through our pride. We will answer. I will answer.

Can we answer for less? Do the lost deserve more? Do we?


Written by Selaniest

July 6, 2011 at 7:36 pm