
Just another jeffselan opinion

Posts Tagged ‘outlaw

Praise God for Outlaws!

with 8 comments

I am not an Outlaw but, I play one on Twitter!

The O is for Outlaw.  There are no badges that I know of.  Nor cool hats.

But it stands for a growing number of both young and old persons tired of Christianity as we have grown to know.

They do the unthinkable.  They ask questions.  They search for answers.  And they do God’s work the best way they know how.

From feeding the poor to standing up for the downtrodden, these people walk the walk.  Not the way I would, not the way most people I know would.

But…. I’m learning…..

And praise God for that!  Praise his Holy Name to be interested again!  Thank you Father for blessing me with the Holy Spirit to have you on my thoughts even when I do not go to that building most call a church.

For the church is in me.  What I believe and what we believe.  And the beauty of OP is, We all can BELIEVE!  Believe without judgement the way God intended but with community and fraternity.

I love these people even though most don’t even know me.  Because of the new passion for Christ I have found.

Thank you OP’s.  God bless and be strong through the strife.  If you want more info, please check out

And a special thank you to my friend Brandon for introducing me to it all.

Written by Selaniest

April 26, 2011 at 2:59 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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